Stem Cells
What are
Stem cells are the "Progenitors" of the cells of an organism, human, animal or plant.
They are unspecialized cells, which have the ability to transform into different cell types.
Why choose them
They have greater activity than natural ingredients extracted with classic methods because they act as biostimulators, improving cellular metabolism with a regenerative process.
What are they doing
Scientists and researchers have highlighted various positive effects of plant stem cell extracts on the skin, due to their antioxidant, photoprotective, decongestant and anti-inflammatory action. Furthermore, their use does not pose any safety or other problems for humans.
Sustainable Ingredients
The extraction process from plant stem cells consumes a small quantity of the starting plant, much less than the quantity of plant consumed in the extraction process of classic natural ingredients.
How they work
Plant stem cells contain Epidermal Growth Factors, growth factors similar to those present in human skin, capable of slowing down the cellular aging process.
Did you know that ...
Human stem cells represent the future of pharmaceuticals, they are currently used in regenerative medicine, but for ethical reasons their use in the cosmetic field is prohibited (Annex II of Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products).